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Holly House Vets - Exotics 0113 3224341
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Emergency 0113 2369030
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Holly House Vets Hospital 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic, Ilkley 01943 609285
Holly House Vets - Exotics 0113 3224341

Harriet Woodhall

Veterinary Surgeon RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine

Harriet Woodhall - Veterinary Surgeon RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine
Harriet Woodhall BVM&S CertAVP(ZooMed) MRCVS Veterinary Surgeon RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine

Harriet graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2019 with several awards and spent a lot of her studies working with exotics, zoo animals and wildlife in the UK. She joined Holly House in 2020 after a year working in mixed practice in Northumberland. 

She is close to finishing her Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice in Zoological Medicine, has published exotic cases and has presented several times at national veterinary zoological conferences. She has a particular interest in avian medicine and surgery as well as working with zoo and more unusual species.