Emergency 0113 2369030
Out of hours 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Hospital 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic, Ilkley 01943 609285
Holly House Vets - Exotics 0113 3224341
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Emergency 0113 2369030
Out of hours 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Hospital 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic, Ilkley 01943 609285
Holly House Vets - Exotics 0113 3224341

Donald's Story

Donald's Story

Donald is a 4 year old African Pygmy Hedgehog that has been undergoing treatment for hindlimb weakness during lockdown with one of our exotic vets, Agata.



Donald popped to see Agata at our Moor Allerton branch for his medication review to ensure all was going well - he has made major improvements and was ready to sprint across the table after some mealworm. He will continue his long-term pain relief medication with careful monitoring.

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