Emergency 0113 2369030
Out of hours 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Hospital 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic, Ilkley 01943 609285
Holly House Vets - Exotics 0113 3224341
Holly House Vets's home page
Emergency 0113 2369030
Out of hours 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Hospital 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic, Ilkley 01943 609285
Holly House Vets - Exotics 0113 3224341

Opening Hours Update

Opening Hours Update

Please be advised that our opening hours are changing.

Here are our opening hours and emergency contact details:

Holly House Veterinary Hospital

468 Street Lane


LS17 6HA


Monday: 8am-7pm


Tuesday: 8am-7pm


Wednesday: 8am-7pm


Thursday: 8am-7pm


Friday: 8am-7pm


Saturday: 9am-5pm


Sunday: Closed



Telephone: 0113 2369030

Holly House Veterinary Clinic

Unit C Moor Allerton Centre


LS17 5NY


Monday: 8am-7pm


Tuesday: 8am-7pm


Wednesday: 8am-7pm


Thursday: 8am-7pm


Friday: 8am-7pm


Saturday: Closed


Sunday: Closed



Telephone: 0113 2369030

We continue to provide a 24-hour emergency service at our hospital; 468 Street Lane, LS17 6HA, 01132369030.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Kind regards,

All the team at Holly House Vets.

You are receiving this communication as a registered client of Holly House Vets.

In line with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) code of conduct, we are required to inform you of a change to our service provision.