Emergency 0113 2369030
Out of hours 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Hospital 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic, Ilkley 01943 609285
Holly House Vets - Exotics 0113 3224341
Holly House Vets's home page
Emergency 0113 2369030
Out of hours 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Hospital 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic 0113 2369030
Holly House Vets Clinic, Ilkley 01943 609285
Holly House Vets - Exotics 0113 3224341

Victoria Wooler


Victoria Wooler - Receptionist
Victoria Wooler Receptionist

Vickie started working at Holly House, Ilkley in January 2022. She has always been passionate about animals so was delighted to get a job working in a veterinary clinic. Vickie owns a beautiful black and white cat named Dolly. Outside of work, Vickie enjoys swimming, fell walking and cooking.